Saint Innokenty Orthodox Mission Advisory Board
The SAINT INNOKENTY ORTHODOX MISSION ADVISORY COUNCIL (SIOMAC) for the Deanery of South East Alaska exists to support the primary mission of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sitka and Alaska, which is “the conversion of all peoples of Alaska into Christ’s Holy Orthodox Church, beginning with those who have fallen away from the Orthodox communities of the First Peoples of Alaska, and extending to those who have not yet entered the fold”. We will pursue our work under the express blessing and direction of the Bishop of Alaska to help raise funds and develop strategic plans to meet the spiritual needs of the underserved Orthodox communities in the deanery. We hope to kindle a renewal of the Holy Orthodox Faith and establish a more robust and permanent liturgical life in each community. Following the example of our great Fathers Saint Innokenty and Saint Yakov, we will cherish the people, their culture and their language, while striving to bring the light of the Holy Gospel, and zeal for the Holy Orthodox Faith, to every corner of the Deanery in a spirit of service, humility, and love, to the glory of Jesus Christ.
More Information to Come!