St. Michael’s Cathedral: A National Historic Landmark
For thirty-two years (1840 – 1872), Sitka was the seat of the Russian
Orthodox Diocese of North America, and thereafter it continued as the Seat
of the Diocese of Alaska. St Michael’s Cathedral was the first Russian
Orthodox Cathedral built in America.
The original St. Michael’s Cathedral was designed by Bishop Innokenty
Veniaminov, the first Russian Bishop of America. It was constructed
between 1844 and 1848, with funding from the Russian America Company.
This Cathedral is an outstanding example of Russian Church architecture.
The Fire
In 1966, when St. Michael’s was well over a century old, a fire swept through downtown Sitka. Parishioners and residents managed to rescue most of the cathedral’s icons, furniture, books and other valuables before the structure burned to the ground. Based on the original blueprints, reconstruction began right away but it wasn’t until 1977 that the rebuilt cathedral was consecrated, and worship services could resume. St. Michael’s Cathedral is also significant for its association with Bishop Innokenty Veniaminov, its role in the expansion of Russian Orthodoxy in Alaska, its icons and artifacts, and its role as centerpiece to the community of Sitka.

The Cathedral is not merely a museum or a repository for sacred art and historical artifacts, but rather a center of worship in which a community of devoted faithful have served continuously until the present day.
After the fire, but before the reconstruction had been completed, the parish met in what is now the basement for the divine services.
The living community of faithful of St. Michael’s today have many ancestors who worshiped and labored at this holy place, and are happy to share so many stories of joy and heartbreak, baptizing children and singing off the departed, all of which took place in this sacred space.
Built in a Beautiful Blend of 19th Century Russian Design and Alaskan Materials
When they set out to build St. Michael’s Cathedral, they used the materials they had at hand. The walls are made of sailcloth. In fact those who built the original building were ship builders who used much of what they knew from the construction of ships in the construction of the cathedral.